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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dreams that feel real...

Have you ever had a dream that was so intense, and so strange, that it felt real? A dream that when you woke up, you knew it was a dream, but while sleeping you could feel things, and I don't mean emotional things, I mean physically? I've had dreams like that before, but this one wasn't pain, it felt...nice actually, well the ending part of it anyway.

So my cousin (the one with Autism) decided to wake up at 6 AM. I was tired and didn't get to sleep until around midnight or so, so when I woke up I looked at my phone to check the time and then went back to sleep. Now the dream started out weird. I was in this house and I wasn't feeling well. I had a very intense headache, and that was pretty much the only pain I remember actually physically feeling. The intense headache had caused me to pass out and this man came over to me to help me up. Apparently the man was my uncle, and not my real life uncle, but for some odd reason I had another dream concerning the TV show Charmed, yeah not that unusual.

So the man was Coop, Phoebe's husband. After that he kinda left me alone. For some odd reason I felt that no one cared about me or wanted me so I planned on running away, my phone started to ring, but I did not answer, which caused the person who called me to become worried. When they rushed in the room, I was pretending to be asleep. The person who rushed into the room was another man, this time it was Andy. He and Prue had been brought back to life and were married, that I was their kid that had gone missing and had recently been returned. He had somehow known that I was unhappy and wanted to run away. He placed a blanket on me and I awoke from my pretend slumber.

He then hugged me and expressed his concern over me. It felt nice, knowing that someone cared and actually having a father who seems to care. I called off the running away. After that I got something to eat. It was a bowl of rice. I had one bite and was immediately full. Sometime later I was in a car and no one was driving it, it was driving by itself. It crashed and I panicked, somehow entering another car, with similar things happening. I panicked once more and tried to get to a phone to call my father, but they said he didn't exist. I thought it was a joke and then called Prue, who happened to be my mother, and they said she didn't exist either.

This is when I ended up getting Piper to help. We trekked to a castle, and I ordered the release of my parents. The being did not comply and attacked me with mini tornadoes. At this time I offered a trade, I offered up myself as I had the power to essentially manipulate reality. He agreed and I turned evil, and was ordered to attack my parents. I did so, after all I was brainwashed. While they didn't die they were in serious pain. After a while the brainwashing wore off and I was able to break free. Somehow then I had to fight Link from Twilight Princess and stabbed him in his Zora Tunic with a Light Arrow. (Also somehow between that time I was able to fix what I had done with the crashed cars by switching numbers or something like that and then just finally erased the things from reality or something.)

Next we were at my real life uncle's house. My real life sister was there and got mad at me because I wouldn't give her my Gameboy Advance SP. So while I was practicing my telekinesis by moving piles of clothes, my real life sister spit water at me and someone else. We got into some sort of fight or something. Anyway I had told my father (Andy) that I had hated him. Later on we were in a car together, I apologized for everything and laid my head against his arm. He then took his arm and wrapped it around me. I actually felt that, the warmth, the comfort, how nice it felt to be cared for by someone like that. Then I woke up.

I know it's not real, but I kinda wish it was. I mean having parents, birth parents, that really care for you, want you in their life, it just feels nice.

1 comment:

  1. This post was written on my birthday: June 12th. I just thought I'd share that. :B
